Find Out the Secrets of Amino Acids!

Amino Acid Fermentation — Friendly to the Environment

Using Biocycles to Reuse By-Products and Eliminate Waste

Amino Acid Fermentation — Friendly to the Environment

Amino Acids are Made by Fermentation

Did you know that amino acids are mainly made by fermentation? Just like fermented foods such as soy sauce, bread and cheese that we commonly eat, amino acids are made thanks to the power of microorganisms.   

Environmentally Friendly Biocycles

The raw materials for Ajinomoto Group's amino acids are agricultural produce such as sugarcane from many regions around the world. Ajinomoto Group strive, in the areas where we source ingredients, to make our products in ways that help ensure that nature's bounties are sustainable.
Amino acids are made by fermenting the sugars of agricultural products. The liquids left over after extracting amino acids contain rich nutrients. Ajinomoto Group sell them to local farmers as organic fertilizers. The farmers, in turn, feed their sugarcane and other plants with these fertilizers, and those plants then become raw materials for amino acids. This is what we call the "bio-cycle"


Fermentation By-Products: High-Quality Organic Fertilizer

Sugar Cane Harvesting Experiment in the PhilippinesBy-products can be used as low-cost, high-quality fertilizer that improves the taste of fruits and vegetables, increases yields and improves quality. They can be used to fertilize other crops besides sugar cane too.

Taste Enhancement (Increased Amino Acid Content)Amino Acid Content in FruitAmino Acid Content in Fruit
Based on research by Ajinomoto Group