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  • Depending on the inquiry, we may not be able to respond immediately, or we may reply by phone.
  • We may not be able to reply to every inquiry.
  • For inquiries to Ajinomoto group companies, click here.
  • Depending on the inquiry, an Ajinomoto group company may reply to you. In such cases,
    your personal data information will be jointly utilized among and within the relevant group company.
  • After you send your inquiry, you will receive an automatic confirmation by email.
    If you do not receive confirmation,please click here.
  • The reply is for the use of the recipient only. Please do not transfer or publically disseminate all or any part of the reply.
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・ For media inquiry, please click here.

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  • For more details about joint utilization and protection of personal data, please refer to our privacy policy
    (in Japanese only).

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Depending on Internet conditions, there may be a delay in our receipt of your email.